B. Comm., C.A.
Professional Background
A graduate of Queens University, Robert Kalbfleisch received his Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree in 1978 and began his career articling for Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants. He received his certification from the Ontario Institute of Chartered Accountants in 1981.
Career Highlights
When Robert left Deloitte & Touche in 1984, he had developed expertise in computer applications and small business services in his capacity as the supervisor of the General Business Services Group.
In 1984, Robert decided to pursue his interest in computer application by joining the Bank of Canada as an EDP Auditor. He returned to public accounting with Ernst and Young in 1986 as a manager in their Microcomputer Group.
A year later, Robert joined a medium-sized firm of Chartered Accounts based in the Ottawa area, becoming a partner a year later. Over the next twelve years, the services he provided to his clients included:
- Fulfilling statutory audit requirements
- Reviewing and analyzing clients' financial information to ensure plausibility and compliance with generally accepted accounting principles
- Preparing and reviewing corporate and personal tax returns including appropriate tax planning and problem solving
- Meeting with clients to review financial statements, tax returns and results of operations
- Discussing problem areas and possible solutions
- Developing, implementing and maintaining accounting information systems
- Developing financing proposals and business plans including projected financial statements and cash flows
- Meeting with financial institutions to secure appropriate financing
- Assisting in the selection, acquisition and installation of micro-based computer accounting systems, including hands on training (Accpac Plus products, M.Y.O.B, Quickbooks Pro and Simply Accounting)
- Recruiting controllers, accountants and bookkeepers
- Assisting with management of accounting departments, including interim controller responsibilities
- Robert continues to provide his clients with sound accounting and tax advice.
- Robert was a charter member of the Carleton Kiwanis Club and acted as treasurer in its initial year of operation. Robert is currently a member of the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa and sits on various committees within the club.
- Robert also sat as a director for the Ottawa Gymnastics Centre for two terms.
- He enjoys a round of golf and is a running enthusiast, competing in several 10 k races in the Ottawa area. In the winter, Rob can be found on the slopes skiing or boarding.
Contact Rob Kalbfleisch at rob@windfall.on.ca
